Friday, March 22, 2019


Hi there, my darlings! So, today, we'll be taking a break from our regularly scheduled beauty features with a fun little lifestyle post, courtesy of  the date night experts, Crated with Love! Now, between the huge international moves, the constant search for meaningful employment and all else life has thrown at me, I haven't had time for a romantic life in...well, let's not go there. Let's just say it's been awhile! Toronto has done wonders for my social life and I'm hoping my romantic life follows suit. Fingers crossed! Until then though, this post is aimed at all the lovely couples out there who are in search of a little date night inspiration.


Tyler and Michelle (Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist) , founders of Crated with Love launched Crated with Love together in 2014 after noticing how much date night strengthened​ their relationship. They were at a point in their lives where they were surrounded by stress and the first thing to go was their one-on-one time together. So, they decided to create a $20 a month budget to spend on a date night (no matter what). A few months in, they started to see how powerful that time together was to strengthening our relationship and figured more couples could benefit just like us! And thus, Crated with Love was born!

There are several subscription options on the website, including a gift subscription for your favorite couple!

First of all, my review box is absolutely adorable so brownie points for the cuteness factor. Secondly, the tiny little box was jammed packed with various components to a fun, stay-in, date-night game, all centered around the Safari theme. You get a little box of playing cards with cute instructions, along with dice and your game pieces (shown below). You also get an instruction/game manual. 

The game "board" itself is a sturdy but foldable piece of paper, which you could glue onto a piece of cardboard if you intend to play the game a few time. Along with this, you get a spinner card (yay!), stackable wooden game pieces and a set of activities (based on where you land on the board). All the activities are geared towards appreciating your partner--how cute!!!

At the end of the game, you are presented with a Goals Journal and a little scorecard because what's a game without scores, right?! Is my competitive streak showing? Oops!

Finally, prizes! Adorable little pins that you can (if you want) wear with pride! And that's how date night is done when you don't want to zone out in front of a video game or reach for an old staple like Monopoly. Perfect for couples who love games...and each other! =)

So there you have it, my darlings! You can pick one of the various Crated with Love subscriptions on their site HERE--it's $19.99 USD for the monthly subscription option. They even have the option to purchase a single box to try out. Shipping is available throughout the US.

For more information about them, you can find Crated with Love through the social media outlets below:


Do you and your partner schedule regular date nights? What do you think of this subscription? Tell me in the comments section below!

***Products were sent to me for an honest, unbiased review. All opinions are my own.***


  1. This would make a cute bridal shower gift especially if it was a couples shower.

    1. I agree with Marcia! Cute idea! And yes, I love game spinners too

  2. That is such a cute idea!! And an affordable date too 😊

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