Wednesday, August 3, 2016


Hi there, my darlings! Do you find it hard to keep your skin looking healthy, looking GOOD during the Summer? I know I do! I have combination, acne-prone skin which tends to go a little crazy during the summers. I'll go to bed and wake up with random pimples on my face and I absolutely hate it! But, what I hate even more than the pimples themselves is the aftermath. I TRY, I swear, not to pick at them but sometimes, well, I guess I can't help myself. The result? Even when I'm not worrying at them, I'm left with these unsightly dark spots or scars. Now those are the worst! I already have some leftover scars from the hormonal ravages of my teenage years but apparently, random acne is going to trouble me for life. Now, I don't have the time or the financial clout to be running off for a facial or a spa service every time I break out. So, I was really, really glad when I came across the opportunity to test out PMD's Personal Microderm kit. You can read my first review of it HERE and I've been loving it ever since!

Here's a quick refresher of what the PMD device is:

The Personal Microderm is a revolutionary at-home skincare tool that provides the same brilliant results as professional, in-office microdermabrasion treatments. By combining the power of Patented Spinning Disc Technology and Perfectly Calibrated Vacuum Suction, the Personal Microderm works to remove the dead, dull skin cell barrier, increase blood flow, and stimulate the body’s natural production of collagen and elastin.

The Personal Microderm combines the power of Patented Spinning Disc Technology with a Perfectly Calibrated Vacuum Suction to brighten, smooth, and even skin tone and texture. The Personal Microderm reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, blemishes, and enlarged pores. After a treatment, makeup goes on smoother and skin care penetrates significantly deeper – 20X deeper.

I've been using the PMD system every other week or so since I got it but never has it come more in handy than this summer. Admittedly, I've been pretty stressed out lately and it's been scorching, with occasional periods of horrible humidity, in New York City. My skin, as a result, has been quite the handful! But the PMD system has really helped me with those skin challenges, like uneven skin tone, dark spots and scarring. I've shared a detailed overview of the device itself so I decided it was time to share a step-by-step guide to my at-home microdermabrasion sessions with PMD. Let's get started!


Start by thoroughly cleansing your face with a mild face wash--you really don't want any accumulated dirt or makeup stuck in your device. You can definitely use a mild, daily cleanser or pick up PMD's specially formulated Advanced Soothing Cleanser. Pat completely dry.


Using the device is really simple! Included in the kit are several microdermabrasion discs, in different colors. The longer, thinner discs are for your face and the shorter, wider discs are for your body. The white disc for the face is the gentlest treatment, followed by the green, finally ending with the blue disc which is the most intense. DEFINITELY start with the white, if it's your first time and test it on your inner arm or neck the night before. I've worked myself up to the blue disc!

Once you've locked your disc in place and screwed the plastic cover back, you can begin. Just stretch out your skin with one hand and run the PMD over your face, in short, quick, upward strokes. Don't go over the same area more than once or concentrate on any one spot! If there are only certain areas that you feel need help, just focus on that area but definitely with those same short, upward strokes. The whole process of doing your entire face should take no more than 10-15 minutes. And you can visibly see the stuff that comes out of your face! See all those little specks? Yuck!


Once you're done, just wash all those dead cells away with your cleanser or just cold water. Then don't forget to tone! PMD also has a specially formulated toner which you can pick up--the Calming Neuro Neutralizer Toner.

Don't forget to wash your device after use too. Unplug it, screw the plastic cover off and wash the cover, disc and filter with mild soap and water. Allow to dry and your PMD can be used next time! Each disc can be used up to 4 times.


This step is very important! Now, the PMD is virtually pain-free and trust me, I'm a big baby when it comes to pain. But after every session, you will most likely see some redness and feel some mild irritation. After all, you've just sloughed off all those dead cells! This is when you need to moisturize, moisturize, moisturize! PMD does have the Professional Recovery Moisturizer available for this exact purpose. Here's a look at my results, in close-up!


Do you love sheet masks? Because I LOVE sheet masks! And I can't think of a better time for a soothing sheet mask than after a microdermabrasion session, when your skin could use a little extra TLC. Now, PMD is working on a recovery mask but in the meantime, I love these sheet masks from WHEN. Infused with coconut oil, these are perfect for a soothing spa session at home. The oils are, for the most part, easily absorbed into the skin and minimally sticky.

But if you're like me, sitting around for 30 minutes with anything on my face in this hot weather is NOT something I want to do! That's where this quick tip from When came in handy--stick your When masks in the refrigerator for a couple of hours before use! The perfect, soothing, COOLING mask is yours for the taking! I'm using the Travel Mate version below.

After 30 minutes, simply remove and discard the mask. Any residual oils can be gently massaged into the skin. Your skin will thank you for it and you won't be all hot and bothered at the end of it. Win-win!

You can find When masks at Sephora and online HERE.

So there you have it, my darlings! If you would like to try PMD's Personal Microderm for youself, you can find it on their site HERE for the price of $159.00 each--an affordable option to all those spa and laser treatments!

For more about PMD, you can follow them through the social media outlets below :


****This post is sponsored by the makers of PMD Personal Microdermabrasion. Products were sent to me for an honest, unbiased review. All opinions are my own.****


  1. I've had micrdermabrasion in salons/spas and it's wonderful. So great to be able to do it at home. And I love those cute sheet masks too

  2. I'm glad I live in these times where I can do techniques like this in the comfort of my own home and when I want to do them. I see a very nice difference in your after skin full face picture.

  3. That thing scares me! Glad it works for you.

  4. I love beauty gadgets in general, but this sounds so great!

  5. I've seen a few other reviews of this, and it sounds so intriguing - but I'm not sure I'm brave enough to try it haha

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